Bird’s Club International

Many people derive great pleasure, fulfillment and inspiration from  watching birds and listening to them. But birds are also an intricate component  of ecosystems, which we need for our own survival. Ecosystems such as forests  and the marine environment provide us with food, medicines and important raw  materials. They keep the climate stable, oxygenate air and transform pollutants  into nutrients. Birds play an important role in the effective functioning of these  systems. As birds are high up in the food chain, they are also good indicators of  the general state of our biodiversity. When they start disappearing, it means that  something is wrong with our environment and that we need to take action.

Ecosystems are communities of interacting organisms and their environment.  They can be small (a single pond or patch of woods) or enormous (The Amazon  Jungle or Pacific Ocean).

The “services” that ecosystems provide us form the foundation of our economies  and healthy lives. Without clean air, water, and soil, and vibrant, inter-connected natural processes, many parts of the world’s ecosystems would falter

We admire birds for their beauty, songs, and the grace of their near miraculous  ability to fly, but are birds important to the ecosystem?

Yes! Birds provide many direct and indirect contributions to the environment  (often called “Ecosystem Services”).

  • Many ecologically important plants require pollination by birds,  especially hummingbirds, in order to successfully reproduce.
  • Many species of conifers are spread largely by birds such as Clark’s  Nutcrackers and Pinyon Jays, and fruit-eating birds likewise aid the  germination and spread of hundreds of species of plants and trees.
  • Hawks and owls are great consumers of pests such as rodents, while  flycatchers and their allies consume many tons of insects each year.

In addition, bird watching and related eco-tourism is a major economic force  in many parts of the country. On a less quantitative level, birds provide humans  with pleasure, joy, and spiritual inspiration merely by their presence. Birds are

also excellent indicators of environmental health. Before “the canary in the coal  mine” was a cliché, underground workers really did take canaries with them to  provide early detection against carbon monoxide and other gases. In the natural  world, because they are relatively abundant, easily observed, and have a rapid  metabolism and high position on the food chain, birds can provide clues to  otherwise difficult to detect processes. Declines in Peregrine Falcons and Bald  Eagles provided important information about the dangers and spread of DDT  and heavy metals. But perhaps the most important reason to study birds is to  further our understanding of the ecosystems that support all life on earth,  including humans. To continue to live sustainably and have a healthy planet, we  must understand how the natural systems on which we depend function. Birds  are a critical element to nearly every ecosystem on earth, and their fate is  intertwined with ours.

A healthy ecosystem depends upon the synergy of its parts and birds play  important roles in many ecosystems. One of the best examples of how birds con tribute to the health of an eco-system is their role as biological controls. Birds,  especially song-birds, eat vast quantities of in-sects each year. Birds are also  critical in seed dispersal and some birds even function as pollinators.

Birds add life, sound and colour to our lives. Watching wild birds is often  a diversion from the pressures of our daily lives. We even value birds that we  personally will never see; it is comforting and uplifting just knowing that our  world includes birds that can offer joy in our lives.

Birds provide intangible aesthetic enjoyment and enrich our lives with  their presence. This intangible value comes from knowing our world is still large  and healthy enough to support a variety of bird species.

Birds are recognized as one of the most important indicators of the state  of the environment. Because they are sensitive to habitat change and because  they are easy to census, birds are the ecologist’s favourite tool.

Changes in bird populations are often the first indication of environmental  problems. Whether ecosystems are managed for agricultural production,  wildlife, water, or tourism, success can be measured by the health of birds.  A decline in bird numbers tells us that we are damaging the environment  through habitat fragmentation and destruction, pollution and pesticides,  introduced species, and many other impacts.

Birds are a part of the balance of nature. There is strong interdependence  between all living things in the gigantic web of life and the removal of even the  smallest form of life may in time endanger the entire structure.

The conditions of clean air, food, healthy plants and safe places to raise  young that make good homes for birds and other wildlife, also make good  homes for people; a habitat good for birds is a good environment for people.

In addition to the joys they bring to people’s lives, birds are also valuable  for economic reasons. Birds have ecological value as important elements of  natural systems.

Birds provide insect and rodent control, plant pollination, and seed  dispersal which result in tangible benefits to people. Insect outbreaks can  annually destroy hundreds of millions of dollars of agricultural and forest  products. Purple Martins have long been known as an effective means to  substantially reduce insect pest populations without the health and  environmental costs (not to mention the economic costs) of harmful pesticides.

Birds play a critical role in reducing and maintaining populations of  insects in natural systems. Birds eat up to 98% of budworms and up to 40% of  all non‐outbreak insect species in eastern forests. These services have been  valued at as much as $5,000 per year per square mile of forest, potentially  translating into literally billions of dollars in environmental services.

Many farmers know the role birds play in helping to control agricultural  pests. Birds can destroy up to 98% of over-wintering codling moth larvae,  a major pest of apples worldwide.


Birds need a clean source of water for drinking and bathing. Clean  feathers help keep a bird cool in the summer and warm in the winter.


Pine, cedar trees, shrubs and tall grasses provide shelter for many  songbirds and raptors. Even dead trees & branches provide shelter for cavity  nesting birds. Plans for species-specific houses & boxes can be found online. A  simple brush pile near your feeders is also important for giving birds protection  from predators.


To attract different birds, offer a variety of seeds, suet, nec-tar, nuts, etc.  The kind of feeder you use—hopper, plat-form, tube, etc. will also help  determine the kinds of birds you attract. Finches prefer thistle seed, while black

sun-flower seeds appeal to many species of birds. Remember, keep feeders clean  to prevent disease


Quality bird conservation requires work in the area of research, habitat &  education. Donate.


* To be a united and effective representative body to liaise with, assist and advise all levels of government on all matters pertaining to bird keeping.

* To monitor the activities of agencies, groups and persons to detect, avoid,  deter or counter threats or potential threats to, or limitations on the activities of,  bird keeping

* To respect the ownership, keeping, breeding and trading of birds. * To elevate and promote high standards of competency in bird keeping.

* To strive for self-regulation in order that the hobby of aviculture remains free  of unnecessary and cumbersome restrictions.

* To oppose any form of illegal trafficking of birds.

* To assist and promote the conservation of all birds, specially endangered  species.

* To do all such things and activities, as are consistent with and permitted by the  Associations Incorporation Act 1984, that promote the above aims and  objectives


Report on inauguration, 06 January 2022  

Birds Club International, GASCK Unit initiated its activities at Govt Arts &  science College Kozhinjampara, Nattukal, and Palakkad. The birds club  inauguration ceremony was held on 6th January 2022 at college auditorium. The  club was officially inaugurated and presided by our college principal Smt. Amala  A.K in this year. In this ceremony, birds club co-ordinator Dr. Senthil. N Presented  welcome speech, Sri.Ramesh.K (IQAC Co-ordinator), Dr.Vijayan.KTV (HoD of  Microbilogy), Smt.Umamakheshwari.K (HoD of Tamil), Dr. Nisha Lakshmi,  (HoD of Hindi) and Sajeesh Kumar.M (HoD of Physical Education) were  felicitated the function. Sri. Abhilash Ravindran (Bird Enthusiast and Columnist)  delivered a Valuable speech on “Why Should we look at Birds”. He briefed about  different types of birds and how to taken care of birds. The speech was more  interesting and inflammatory also. In the end, he had a discussion with the students  about the current situation about the birds. Finally, Vinaya 3rd BSc Micro Biology  Student, a member of birds club thanked all the invited Guests and participants.  Around 120 Students including 38 club members were participated in inaugural  Function.

Birds Feeding 

As part of Birds Club Activity, we started an initiative to provide food and  water to the birds in our college campus on 28 January 2022. Around 37 Students  including club members participated in the function. Dr. Senthil.N Birds Club co ordinator delivered the welcome speech. The Principal in charge Mr.Chribuna  Viswas P.S (Dept of English) presided over the function and gave a speech on  “Preservation of Birds in summer season”. Sri. Ramesh K (IQAC Co-ordinator),  Dr. Srividya S (Dept of English), Sri. Prasanth K.V (Dept. of English) we have  established many water pots and food bowls for the birds in all part of the college  campus. Finally, Arul.R 1st B.A Tamil student, a member of birds club thanked all  guests and participants for gracing the occasion with their solemn presence.

A Bird Photography Training Camp

As a part of bird’s club activity, we organised a bird  photography training camp on 19-03-2022. We are started this  program in the morning around 7 A.M to 9 A.M. In this camp,  Krishna Moorthy M ., the Birds enthusiast, Birds Photographer  and Trainer, Samgra Shiksha Kerala, Chittur BRC talked to the  students about the sound of birds and birds living in this  locality. He also trained the students, how to capture a good  photo of birds. He also talks about bird’s photography and its  techniques. The bird’s club members are interested to learn  new things about the birds the bird’s life and its photography.

Birds Photography Competition

We conducted a bird’s photography competition in our college.  The topic of the bird’s photography was “Birds In Our  Campus”. The photos are allowed to taken from 21-03-2022 to  25-03-2022. Finally, the winners of this competition are  Mohammad Ismail. R (B.A Tamil I-year) got the first prize,  Rasheek Basha M (B.A Tamil II-year) got Second Prize and Arul  R. and Arnold A. won the third prize.

Mohammad Ismail. R (B.A Tamil I-year) 1ST Prize

Rasheek Basha M (B.A Tamil II-year) 2ND Prize

Arul R. (B.A Tamil I-year) 3RD Prize

Arnold A. (B.A Tamil I-year) 3RD Prize