Jeevani Counselling Cell

JEEVANI is the first its kind in the country, a comprehensive mental health project implemented by the Department of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Kerala, which will aim to extend the remit of the traditional collage counselling centres to “Centres of Well-being”. As “Centres of well-being”, these “Jeevani centres”, in addition to early identification and intervention of mental health issues among college students, will aim to deter risk factors from emerging in the first place as well as reducing existing risk factors/increasing health-protective behaviours. College represents a crucial developmental periods, fraught with numerous challenges across the academic, social and personal domains. College life is the time where students start enjoying their rights and freedom, celebrating love and friendship and also become aware of their responsibilities. Stepping in to the college, the students experience many changes.  College life exposes to new experiences and things that were not familiar with earlier. In addition to coping with academic pressure, some students have to deal with the stressful tasks of separation and individuation from their family of origin while some may have to attend to numerous work and family responsibilities. In this context, many college students experience the first onset of mental health and substance use problems or an exacerbation of their symptoms. Most students successfully overcome these challenges to achieve their potential. However, in a significant proportion, these stressors interact with physical and psychosocial adversities, increasing the likelihood of mental health issues and emotional distress. Emotional distress can affect classroom learning, such as poor attendance, difficulties with academic performance, poor social integration, trouble adjusting to college, problems with behaviour regulation, and attention and concentration issues, all of which is critical to the success of the student.

Here, comes the relevance of Project ‘JEEVANI’ envisages to improve awareness, promote mental health, and ensure early identification/interventions for psychological issues among college students. To achieve this, qualified counsellors will be trained to offer psychological services at JEEVANI centres attached to govt. colleges in the state of Kerala. To ensure that the program works in a structured fashion, it is important to define the frame-work of functioning. This will facilitate counsellors to maintain standards, design and conduct mental health promotion activities, ensure early case-identification and timely referral to ensure positive outcomes. Jeevani, in a larger sense, is a comprehensive programme for well-being of the college students. This goal can be actualized by associating and collaborating with the existing organizational and academic framework of the college. The services of Jeevani will be made available for all students enrolled in the college. The Jeevani unit would function as a walk-in-counselling centre where the counselling services are available throughout the working hours of the college.


  • Building awareness about mental health.
  • Defining mental illness and describing commonly seen mental health conditions.
  • Explaining the importance of help seeking.
  • Defining indicators of mental well-being.
  • Providing information regarding the indicators and signs of commonly seen mental health conditions.
  • Explaining to students about the source and types of help available both within and outside the campus.
  • Sharing facts about prevalence of mental health conditions among youth.
  • Listening the common concerns/issues/problems for which professional help may be sought.



JEEVANI Centre for student wellbeing Inaugurated on 22nd December 2022, Thursday at college auditorium on the topic “Mental Health Matters”. The Inauguration ceremony started with traditional prayer at 11.00 AM. The Welcome address for the day was presented by the Jeevani Co-ordinator and HOD of Tamil, Smt. Umamakeswari.K. She gave beautiful welcome speech and encouraged the students with her warm and motivating words.

After the welcome speech, Jeevani centre for student well-being Inaugural ceremony was declared with lightening the lamb done by the Chief Guest of the day-Dr. Gayathri (Professor Dept. of Psychiatry, Karuna Medical College), then Principal-in-charge Shri. Chribuna Vishwas, QAC Co-ordinator Shri. Ramesh k, NAAC Co-ordinator Dr. Srividya S, Jeevani Psychologist Ms. Shafeena Beevi and Union Chairman Abin Santhosh.

Then, Shri. Chribuna Vishwas delivered a speech and he highlighted the importance of mental health and mental well-being of the students. After the speech, Felicitations was done by Dr. Srividya. S and Abin santhosh, wished Jeevani cell and its future programmes.

Then, the Jeevani Co-ordinator Umamakeswari introduced the chief guest of the day Dr. Gayathri starting with her experience in the field of Psychiatry. Dr. Gayathri then declared her address. A PowerPoint presentation session has been taken on the topic “Mental Health Matters. This class was interactive and encourage students to consult a Psychologist for mental health support. After the session students interacted lively and feedback was also given regarding the theme of this programme.

The Jeevani centre Counselling Psychologist Ms. Shafeena Beevi, delivered the Vote of Thanks, thanking everyone presented and everyone who had supported and made time for the special event.


Govt. Arts and Science College Nattukal, Kozhinjampara made arrangements for “Anti-Narcotic Pledge” on behalf of “Anti-Narcotics Campaign-2022” for all students on 14th December at 3 pm. The Jeevani wellness centre and concerned Department tutors in every classroom assisted the Anti-Narcotic task force in this Pledge. Students pledged to uphold “No to drugs”. The main goal of this campaign is to highlight the seriousness of intoxication, and also encourage and enable students to reject illicit drugs.


To bring mental health awareness among students, Jeevani- Centre for Student Wellbeing conducted a Poster Making competition which was held on 14th February 2023. The Topic of the Competition was “Mental health awareness” is a vast topic to discuss and here the participants had to show their imagination through posters. Posters are a powerful platform for messaging- they motivate, educate and inform. It’s an effective way to catch and hold the attention of young generation, as well as helps to maintain their interest in a particular area. Also, a well-created poster allows it to hit many students in less time. There were in all ten student participants and one faculty participants. Whole event was organized on 14th February 2023 from 11:30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. in the Jeevani Centre premises. This activity kept the student engaged and it was organized to encourage students to seek help for mental health concerns.


Jeevani- Centre for Student Well-being conducted a Drawing Competition which was held on 17th February 2023 at Jeevani Centre. The topic of the competition was “Draw your Emotions”. Here, the participants had to show their emotions through drawing. This activity is similar to the one word activity, but with drawings instead of words to express feelings. The main idea behind “Draw your Emotions” is to express a specific emotion, feeling or situation that can’t normally express with words. Whole event was organized on 17th February, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. We provided some materials, such as Drawing sheets, Pencils, Erasers, sharpeners. The competition inspired students to think and work creatively in order to promote artistic excellence and helps students to explore and express their emotions and thoughts. The final judgment was made by faculty member from Tamil Dept, Smt. Umamakeswari K (Jeevani Co-ordinator, HOD Tamil), the rubrics for judgment were: Originality, Clarity of expression, Uniqueness, Close to the Theme. The winner is – Ujjual S (IInd B.Sc. Microbiology).


International Women’s Day is celebrated in the world over, every year on the eight day of March. It celebrates womanhood and pay tribute to the indomitable spirit of women across the globe. The main objectives of celebrating Women’s Day are to create awareness of gender equality for a healthy society. To honour womanhood, Jeevani centre for student well-being has conducted an awareness class on 14th March 2023. The women’s day class was given to the available students in college on the next week due to the one week college valuation camp. The theme for the International Women’s Day 2023, “Embrace Equity”, highlights the critical difference between equity and equality. The main goal of the class is to raise awareness about the status and dignity of women among students. The class was interesting and many of the students had attended. After the class a debate competition was conducted in the second year class of English Department. Some of the students shared their tale of struggle and equality. The class is taken by Shafeena beevi, Jeevani Counsellor.


The importance of awareness class is to bring attention and help to develop knowledge on particular topics. Here, Jeevani centre decided to give psychosocial awareness classes to student.  Ms. Shafeena Beevi K S (Counselling Psychologist) Joined as a Jeevani-Psychology Apprentice on 25th October 2022 at Govt. Arts and Science College Nattukal, Kozhinjampara, Palakkad. Basic orientation of counselling process was introduced in all department classes.  An orientation class has been taken on the topic of “Importance of Mental Health” on 28th October 2022.  An Awareness classes has been taken on the topics; Toxic relationships and its management, Social media uses, suicide prevention, Importance of mental wellbeing, Attention and concentration, Exam preparations and stress management, Insecurities of young people and managing social media presence etc. it has been reported in detail in the register. The awareness classes given to all department classes. Each class sessions lasts 40 minutes to 1 hours. The goal of these Introductive classes to bring awareness and motivated them to approach Jeevani centre for more consultation on their problem. The commonly used Group and Individual Counselling Therapeutic Techniques by the counsellor include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psycho Education, and Concentration Improving Techniques etc.


(Centre for Student Wellbeing)



Health refers to a state of complete emotional and physical wellbeing. Wellbeing is not just the absence of disease or illness. It’s a complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health factors. Mental and Physical health are probably the two most frequently discussed types of health. Good health not only plays a crucial role in the life of a grown-up professional or adult, in general, but it’s highly significant in the lives of students as well. It’s even the students who need good health the most as their whole academic life and future depend upon their health. Health surveys are a great way to get the current current health status among students and create a roadmap for student wellbeing.

This survey is conducted by Jeevani- centre for student well-being of Govt. Arts and Science College, Kozhinjampara. The goal of the survey is to understand Physical and Mental Health of students and Health monitoring is very important in terms of prevention, particularly if the early detection of diseases can reduce suffering and absenteeism.

Survey Development

Jeevani- Centre for student well-being, Counselling Psychologist Ms Shafeena BKS developed an online version of the instrument to be used the self- administrated interviews. The online survey was created using Google forms. In order to reach survey to all students, the departmental tutors of the college were asked to share the link. Caretakers were asked to fill the form for physically handicapped students.

Student Participation

Students were asked to fill the survey voluntary. There are total 257 students participated.